Cooling Technology
Specifically designed for use with GERSTEL modules. Down to a minimum temperature as low as -180 °C.

The CryostaticCoolingDevice CCD 2 is a powerful recirculating cooling device specifically designed for use with GERSTEL modules. Fitted with a powerful immersion cooler, it simultaneously cools up to 2 modules down to minimum temperature of -40 °C. The CCD 2 is especially suitable for applications, in which negative temperatures are required and operates independently of any external coolant supply. The CCD 2 is controlled using the MAESTRO software.
Functional principle of the CCD 2
The cold temperatures used in the CCD 2 are provided by an immersion cooler. The coolant that is used is commercially available ethanol. The coolant flows inside two closed coolant circuits. When flowing towards the module being cooled, the coolant is cold and on the way back, it is warm. The coolant remains inside the coolant circuit and is reused. The MAESTRO software activates and deactivates the cooling device automatically in accordance with the temperature program of the module being cooled.
GERSTEL modules are cooled down to negative temperatures in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way. To operate the CCD 2, no external coolant supply is needed. The CCD 2 can be used to cool up to 2 GERSTEL modules. If needed, you can combine a CCD2 with a UPC Plus.
The Universal Peltier Cooling UPC Plus is a versatile and compact recirculating cooling device specifically designed for use with GERSTEL modules. Using state-of-the-art Peltier technology, it cools the module down to a minimum temperature of 10 °C. The closed coolant circuit makes the UPC Plus a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution. The UPC Plus is especially suitable for applications that require moderate temperatures. The UPC Plus is controlled using the MAESTRO software.
Functional principle of the UPC Plus
The UPC Plus generates cold using state-of-the-art Peltier technology. A special ethanol-water mixture is used as a coolant. The coolant flows inside the closed coolant circuit. When flowing towards the module being cooled, the coolant is cold and on the way back, it is warm. The coolant remains inside the coolant circuit and is reused. The MAESTRO software activates and deactivates the cooling device automatically in accordance with the temperature program of the module being cooled.
GERSTEL modules are cooled down to moderate temperatures in an environmentally friendly and cost-effective way. To operate the UPC Plus, little space is needed and no external coolant supply is required. To cool down multiple modules, you can combine a UPC Plus with additional UPC Plus units or CCD2.
The LCO2 cooling option enables the rapid cooling of the GERSTEL modules Cooled Injection System CIS and Thermal Desorption System TDS down to a minimum temperature as low as -70 °C. This allows you to cryofocus analytes in the cold CIS before they are transferred to the column. The LCO2 cooling option is especially suitable for applications in which low temperatures are required. The LCO2 cooling option is controlled using the MAESTRO software.
Functional principle of the LCO2 cooling option
The liquid carbon dioxide is supplied in a compressed gas cylinder. The compressed gas cylinder is connected to the module being cooled by means of a coolant line and a solenoid valve. When the solenoid valve is open, the carbon dioxide flows to the module being cooled, where it generates the cold that is needed by means of resublimation. The MAESTRO software activates and deactivates the cooling device automatically in accordance with the temperature program of the module being cooled.
GERSTEL modules can be rapidly cooled down to the lowest temperatures. If needed, you can connect multiple modules to a single compressed gas cylinder in order to cool them. The cold produced by the liquid carbon dioxide is immediately available. As movable parts were avoided in the coolant circuit, the LCO2 cooling option requires very little maintenance.
The LN2 cooling option enables the rapid cooling of the GERSTEL modules Cooled Injection System CIS, Thermal Desorption System TDS and CTS down to a minimum temperature as low as -180 °C. This allows you to cryofocus analytes in the CIS before they are transferred to the column. The LN2 cooling option is especially suitable for applications in which the lowest temperatures are required, such as in non-target analytics. The LN2 cooling option is controlled using the MAESTRO software.
Functional principle of the LN2 cooling option
The liquid nitrogen is supplied in a Dewar vessel. The Dewar vessel is connected to the module being cooled by means of a coolant line and a solenoid valve. When the solenoid valve is open, the nitrogen flows to the module being cooled, where it generates the cold that is needed by means of evaporation. The MAESTRO software activates and deactivates the cooling device automatically in accordance with the temperature program of the module being cooled.
GERSTEL modules can be rapidly cooled down to the lowest temperatures. If needed, you can connect multiple modules to a single Dewar vessel in order to cool them. The cold produced by the liquid nitrogen is immediately available. As movable parts were avoided in the coolant circuit, the LN2 cooling option requires very little maintenance.
The cooling option is available with Dewar vessels of different sizes.