Solvent Stocking
For the handling of large quantities of solvent with the MultiPurposeSampler MPS.

The SFS 3 option enables the use of large quantities of solvent with the MultiPurposeSampler MPS. Using the SFS 3 option, you can store 1 liter of up to 4 solvents on the MPS and withdraw them, free of air bubbles, from a solvent cell. Thanks to its large solvent capacity, the SFS 3 option is especially suitable for applications that require a large quantity of solvent, such as solid phase extraction or liquid-liquid extraction. The system is controlled using the MAESTRO software. Within the software itself, all preparation steps can be prepped ahead to save time.
Functional principle of the SFS 3 option
Each solvent is connected to a locked solvent cell. To withdraw the solvent, the solvent cell is magnetically unlocked. The MPS inserts the needle into the solvent cell and withdraws the required quantity of solvent. Additional solvent then takes its place and is immediately available for withdrawal. The solvent can be used to rinse the syringe or can be used in steps to add solvent. The system is sealed off from the external environment for the entire time that withdrawal is being performed. The withdrawal step can be incorporated at any point within the sample preparation process.
The SFS 3 option is characterized by its large solvent capacity. You can use 2 SFS 3 on one system and will therefore have access to up to 8 solvents. Thanks to the special solvent cell, the MPS can draw up large quantities of solvent, free of air bubbles. Solvent wastes can be collected separately according to their chemical properties, before being disposed of in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly way. A septumless system prevents septum particles being punched out and carried over. Thanks to the MAESTRO software, controlling the system as a whole is simple and intuitive.
The SFS 3 option is available with 2 or 4 solvent cells.
The solvent reservoir enables the use of large quantities of solvent within the automated sample preparation process using the MultiPurposeSampler MPS. Using the solvent reservoir, you can store up to 3 solvents in vials with a volume of up to 180 mL on the MPS and withdraw the solvent from the vials. The vials are characterized by their special shape, which enables the syringe to empty the vial almost completely.
Functional principle of the solvent reservoir
The solvents are located in vials closed by a cap with a septum. To withdraw the solvent, the needle pierces the septum and draws up the solvent into the syringe. The solvent can be used to rinse the syringe or can be used in steps to add solvent. The withdrawal step can be incorporated at any point within the sample preparation process.
The solvent reservoir is characterized by its large solvent capacity and the special shape of the vials.
The solvent reservoir is available with 100-mL, 175-mL and 180-mL vials.
The 175-mL vial fits inside a cooled stack.